Architecture is a profession that eats its own. So absorbed in being competitive, we often lose sight of our design values. As a mid-career architect who has seen the good, the bad and the ugly in terms of mentors, sponsors and sabateurs, I felt the need to get in touch with my deeper motivation to be an architect at all. For me, it's a vocation, not just a profession. For anyone else who feels that way too, yet constantly feels sidetracked by professional relationships or challenges with clients and the status quo, this site is the place where creativity and inspiration intersect.
My passion for architecture stems from a deep interest in the effect that environments have on people. I have concentrations in business, architecture history, urban design and sociology and am happiest when I can apply all of these skills to a project. I have a wide range of experience, but the latter half of my carer has brought with it a specialization in healthcare design, perhaps because it is the one typology where users have the least amount of control over their environments and are also most vulnerable to the effects of them.
On this blog, I explore business strategies and communication techniques as well as thoughts on how to get and stay inspired as a designer, including tips from my own experience that you can put to use on your next project. I hope that this site can serve as an online mentor for architects at any age or stage and invite readers to share their own insights and experiences as well. Don't forget to follow me on twitter at @AngelaMazzi to get nearly daily updates on this blog plus anything else I find of interest. Please feel free to leave comments. Similar to lighting a candle, these intentions are your way to get your hopes, dreams or problems related to being an architect out there where others can see and respond.