Keeping with the spirit of these three days, I wanted to take a little time as your virtual mentor to reflect on releasing the fears that hold you back, identifying your inspirations, and finding people willing to help guide you on your path to fulfillment. I love this infographic I found at Design Taxi for its humorous (precisely because it hits on some core truths) look at creative phobias. That's the trick part- the way that we talk ourselves out of going for the things that we really want in our careers.
Now for the treat: I am developing a series strictly related to mentoring and am looking for your input on the issues that are most important to you. Please take some time to post in the comments section about your pressing career dilemmas. You don't have to get personal or overly detailed (if you want to do that, please email me at for a one-on one coaching session), just list some of the basic hobgobblins blocking your path to success. Those career cobwebs' days are numbered.